Setting up new 120 gallon mixed reef tank


New member
Hello all,

Been planning my tank for a few months now and getting ready to drill holes :bounce1:, but thought I would get your opinions before doing so. Haven't bought any of the equipment yet, besides the tank. The plan is to one day have a mixed reef, but I will be taking my sweet time getting there.

I have a 120 gal 72" tank. Gonna drill 5 holes, 3 in the middle for a long internal overflow box for a beananimal drain system and a return line on the left and right sides. Looking to get a pump around 1200-1300 gph (only about 4 feet from sump to top of tank), not sure if submersible or external yet. My house has heater and a/c and is usually about 70 degrees, so I'm thinking a couple submersible heaters will do ok and no need for a chiller.

60 gal sump, over under over design, skimmer in first section, fuge (not sure with live rock or algae or what yet) in middle and return line last (will hookup calcium/phosphate reactors later). Will also eventually add auto top offs, but for now I'm more concerned about the basics.

I'm thinking 1.5" pvc will be ok for the beananimal system with this flow rate. 1" return line split into 2 3/4" lines. Haven't decided on which powerheads yet but I will be sure to have enough flow down the road when lps/sps start getting introduced. 2 inch sand bed for aesthetics, plus I love the goby/pistol shrimp combo.

The whole project will be DIY and I can't wait to go buy the pvc and drill the holes, but definitely wanna be sure of the design before I go spend all my $$$. Any input will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks! :wave: