Shipping question

Mr. Fish Stick

New member
Hello everyone,

I will hopefully start up a tank in few weeks. My plan now is to order my live rock and some live sand from you guys. I will also order a few dry goods such as the refractometer. I really like the idea of airport pickup, it seems to cost the same or less than 2 day shipping, and since I am in Texas I have a good chance of getting it in 1 day or less. My question concerns whether or not the dry goods can be shipped in the same box as the rocks and sand. I would hate to be charged ~65 dollars for shipping for each box, instead of just the one ~65 dollar charge for my order.

Thanks in advance,

We can't ship livestock and drygoods in the same box. Too much chance of one or the other getting damaged. However, air cargo is charged on total weight, and not by # of boxes. Their minimum weight is 100 lbs. So if you ship 1 pound, you're still charged for the 100. You could add on dry goods, and not add on much extra money. Hope this helps.
That's cool, it was the answer I was hoping for. I will definately be giving you guys a call at some point down the road.

BTW which of the three southwest cargo services do you guys use? Next Flight guaranteed, Rush Priority Freight, or Freight?

Thanks again for the info.

Ah, thats great, it lowers the cost by about 20 bucks too. Well if im lucky ill give you guys a call in about 3 weeks, if not, maybe a little longer.