shipping rics?


New member
I'm just curious to how well ricordea ship. And at that who do you all think is the best shipper for livestock. I've never ordered anything alive, how would it be shipped and is aclimation any different from aclimating from a store. i've been weary about this and it has kept me from getting some nice stuff. What do yall think about this. apreciate it guys.
We have over 20 rics, and almost all of them were bought online. We drip aclimate them to the ph and temperature of our tanks before we put them into the systems. I have yet to have one die.
I have placed numerous orders online for rics and had no problem. The last order was even sent priority mail and I didn't loose any, the box was still warm inside when we opened it up. I ordered my rics from I have also ordered some from liveaquaria with no problem just more expensive.

Dont be hesitant to order online, as long as, it is a reputable site you wont have any problem. I have ordered everything online, fish, corals, inverts etc and rarely have any losses.

Just take the time to properly acclimate them to your tank. I also drip acclimate my livestock.