Should I frag?


New member
These are my first zoas and they seem to have over taken their rock. I was wondering if I should frag them and place them on rocks around the tank. Very new so how do I do this and also what kind of zoas are these? Lol

There are 3 different types on this rock from what I can see. Here is a before and after...

This was just last month when I got them
i would leave them be. u could move the rock against another rock. or you could break up the rock if you really wanted to.
They seem to be growing very well in your tank. If you frag them and spread them all over the tank you run the chance of having them everywhere. If that is your desire then go for it.
I would frag...

Do you know what the difference is between 1 million, and 1 million 4 is?


Cut one off with some scissors and turn somebody else's frown upside down. (give it away) The colony wont miss it... JMO.
I'd frag man. unless you want them allll over your tank (which looks cool if that is what you are looking for).
I would leave them be too, maybe move the rock against another so they spread if you want a larger colony.
When I want an i.d. on a zoa I go to and match it up. Some you won't find listed but that doesn't mean they aren't awesome! That is a nice zoa rock whatever they are! :)
I wouldn't go all out fragging, but I would take a few polyps from the colony and mount them on new pieces of rock. It'll give the colony alittle room to grow plus you have some frags to grow out and sell/give away.

I got 2 polyps of this the other week but I still haven't found an ID.
I'd say they look closest to pink wagon wheels. I had a colony that looked like yours a few years back, very fast growers.