Should I remove the eggs before or after the lights go out?


New member
It is the 9th day and I'm wondering if I should remove the eggs before or after the lights go out. Does it even matter?
Yes, it matters. If you wait until lights out, the eggs will hatch as you remove them.

Remove before the lights go out. It is easier to see that way, and you get all the eggs that way.
also , if possible , use water from the parent tank in your fry tank.
I'll be removing my eggs tonight before lights out too as it's day8
for mine and they hatched last time on day 8
Also, if you move them whille the lights are on, you have time to set up the air and position everything before lights out. Taking them out of the dark and then moving them into the light to set everything up is a good way to screw the hatch up, half will hatch one night and the other half the next night and you'll still have some left over that don't hatch at all.