Should I use Red Sea Energy, Reef Chili, and Cyclop-eeze?


New member
I have a lot of sps and lps corals in my tank. I was plan on using reef chili and maybe cyclop-eeze for my corals and maybe the red sea energy A & B. I want my corals to grow and the colors to look great. But I don't want to overfeed.

So by using all 3 of these, is that too much? If so, what are the ones you all recommend just using and how often do you dose it?
You can use the same amount of 3 different food as you would one food, just use less of each, I like using a good variety of foods.
What do your corals look like now that makes you want to broadcast feed your tank? The thing is a lot of it breaks down instead of getting eaten by corals, and if you feed too much you'll get brown colors and less growth with probably an algae bloom. Moderation is the way to go there.

The only thing I use from what you listed is the Red Sea Energy A/B, that stuff is awesome, but for feeding I only target feed pellet food. Also vodka dosing to keep the colors popping.
All my coral seems to be okay, I just thought to get some good growth and color would be to feed them. But food that isn't eaten I was afraid that it might cause algae problems.

I'll probably try the red sea energy. I've never heard of vodka dosing. I'm gonna have to read up on that.
I use it once a week but also vodka dose to have really low nutrients. Colors pop and everything grows like crazy :)