shrimp question ??


New member
I had a question about some shrimps. can I have blood shrimp, gold coral banded shrimp, peppermint shrimp and cleaner shrimp together in one tank?? :hmm4::hmm4::reading::uhoh2:
If the tank is big enough. I would say one shrimp per 40-50 gallons. You may be able to get away with more but they will fight.
ps. I have a pair of gold coral banded and some peppermints in the tank now. I will be adding the blood and the cleaner soon
the worst that can happen is that I'll be looking at my tank and be like:hmm5::hmm5: were is my shrimps??? and do like I do most of the time D'OH!! oh well.. lalalalalalala ummm lets see what the LFS has today!!!:dance::dance:
Interesting topic as I keep putting peppermint shrimp and I never see them. I have put 6 in the last 3 months. I do have coral banded shrimp and a cleaner shrimp
If the tank is big enough. I would say one shrimp per 40-50 gallons. You may be able to get away with more but they will fight.

Never heard of this :hmm3:

In my 20g nano I had 3 shrimps for a while. Camel, peppermint and cleaner shrimp. But then my decorator crab ate my camel shrimp. Honestly, I ain't even mad tho... haha
My peppermint and cleaner shrimp live well together though in my 20g, and they always chill in the same spot together.
Never heard of this :hmm3:

In my 20g nano I had 3 shrimps for a while. Camel, peppermint and cleaner shrimp. But then my decorator crab ate my camel shrimp. Honestly, I ain't even mad tho... haha
My peppermint and cleaner shrimp live well together though in my 20g, and they always chill in the same spot together.

Well, the shrimp the OP posted about are more aggressive. My fire shrimp stay out eachothers way in my 100 gallon but occasionally they will go at it. A coral banded can be very aggressive. You have never heard of the rule I posted because I made it up. Its just from my experiences watching interactions with shrimp and how much space they usually "claim" for themselves. If they pair up, great. If not, they do fight, especially if there is food in the water. There are no hard and fast rules, just generalizations. The more "different" the species in both size and body type, the more likely to get along, unless you have a particularly aggressive individual. Same goes for fish. Anyway, I digress.....
Well, the shrimp the OP posted about are more aggressive. My fire shrimp stay out eachothers way in my 100 gallon but occasionally they will go at it. A coral banded can be very aggressive. You have never heard of the rule I posted because I made it up. Its just from my experiences watching interactions with shrimp and how much space they usually "claim" for themselves. If they pair up, great. If not, they do fight, especially if there is food in the water. There are no hard and fast rules, just generalizations. The more "different" the species in both size and body type, the more likely to get along, unless you have a particularly aggressive individual. Same goes for fish. Anyway, I digress.....

Makes sense, forgot to take that into account. And I get you, just messing lol there really is no "rules" in this hobby. Imo, just have to do what is good for "your" tank.