shriveled mushrooms


New member
if my mushrooms are shriveled up and bleached does this mean they are getting too much light or too little? I will be testing their tank and doing a small water change now. will post permams.
I am having the same trouble for the last couple of months...seems to have been happening since I change the bulbs and added some seio power heads. Anyone have ideas on what would cause them to shrivel around the edges and shrink down? Thanks in advance.
IME, when mushrooms aren't happy with where they are they will shrivel and or not open. Perhaps, it is getting way too much flow? When mushrooms get too much flow, they aren't able to open fully. Did you just get the mushrooms? What kind of lighting do you have? Maybe you need to acclimate them to more powerful lighting if that is what you have; they might be used to less intense lighting. I think that may possibly attribute to the bleaching as well.