shroom aggressivness


New member
i was just wondering how aggr. shrooms are with eachother and other corals. I'm mainly conserned about my fl rics. Can they touch each other, and can they touch other kinds of shrooms. I've seen rocks with zoanthids and disk shrooms together and happy, would this be true with the fl's? Are there certain corals that shrooms just don't like? thanx for the help guys
I have a green mushroom on the same rock as my star polyp's, and while they're not touching each other, they are pretty close to each other. Neither one seems to even notice the other, and they all open up all day long. And as far as ric's touching ric's, I've got two on one rock, and the larger one overlaps onto the smaller one just barely, but neither one seems affected by the other. They should be fine.
My experience: green discosoma are ok with rhodactis. Ric florida is irritated (rics retract) by rhodactis. discosoma and ric don't bother each other.
I agree with Whisperer, watch those frilly green Rhodactis, they are hot things, but the regular flat Discosoma, Fl Rics, and Zoas all are fine together.

Watch all the shrooms with SPS (Shrooms will kill them), but LPS can tolerate many of them.
Just in my experience, I just brought home some floridas and some yumas this week and put them close to each other. The yuma never stopped spitting out a brown "something" until I moved it and now it is doing fine except for the fact that it looks not as good as it used to.