shroom feeding?


New member
I have just gotten a madium shroom rock, with 9 1" ones and 1 very tiny tiny tiny baby. My goal is to grow them to a nice size, and sell smaller frags to the LFS. I have read feeding them increases growth. What should I feed? Would frozen brine shrimp be a good food? What about frozen blood worms? I will be feeding thawed coctail shrimp when the reach a larger size.
What kind of shrooms are on the rock? My Florida rics and my yumas will eat cyclopeeze or mysis. My discosoma type shrooms will usually eat the same along with pellets if one happens to fall on them.
they are bulseye shrooms. Also, the guy exposed them to air when he removed them from the tank. Is this okay? Also sevaral have closed up. Should I be worried?
I just checked the shrooms and one of them has shriveled up to 1/2 its original size. Does this mean its going to die? Is it getting too much light? Also, is there a way to move some of the shrooms off the rock? Can I pull them off and glue them were I want them?
make sure you don't have too much water flow on them, mine where all cupped up and streatching because my powerhead was too close to it (like 2 inches from the current).
After I moved the power head they flattened out.\

Shrooms are very of mine went behind a rock for a week or two, my wife grabbed him up, put him in her tank and now he's thriving....
well they are very near the filter out take... I will move them tomarrow to the sand bed. I will try moving one or 2 soon. What is the best way to do it? What glue should I use?
I have never used glue to hold them, I just stick them in a little hole in the rock and let nature do its thing :)
If the water flow is slow enough in a corner you might want to try there....
of course im sure all the other more experienced guys here know what glue to use im still new at all this :)
cool. I am still a little hesitant. So I just yank them off the rock right? Also at night they all curl up an look like little bulbs, is that bad?
Mine do the same. I got two blue/purple shrooms about a week and a half ago and in the first 10 minutes they were in my tank one popped off the rock and layed on the sand bed for 2 days untill I placed him on a rock next to the others and he finally stayed. At night mine shrink up too. I think it's natural...I call it "sleeping", haha...
I have done pulled them off before, but each time they where hanging off (over 1/2 was detatched). You just got these right?Can't you just move the rock? If you can't, ripping them off is up to i said, i've done it 2-3 times to move them around and the mushrooms lived fine. but they don't come off easy...and they look dead for about 2-3 days later (in my experience).

Good luck
I wouldn't yank them off, use a sharp razor blade to cut them off. You may have new ones grow back out of the tissue left behind. They have so much mucous when you do this that I wouldn't try gluing them directly. Put a small saucer or cup in the tank with some small pieces of rock or rubble in it, put the loose mushrooms on top of the rock/rubble and then cover whatever you have them in with some netting to keep any critters from getting to them until they attach. Once the attach to the rock or rubble you can glue it wherever you want it with super glue gel.
the reason I want to move them is because they look really crowded. they are all touching and there is one that looks like it might split.
Supposedly you can get them to move themselves. If you put the rock in a high flow area this causes the mushrooms to walk to a lower flow area.