shroom requirements


New member
so i read somewhere that mushrooms don't require a lot of light. i know anemones, corals, etc require a whole lot. what would be the minimum lighting requirements for shrooms? i read somewhere on where someone was using like a 10k, 20k, or 50/50. i love mushrooms and would love to be able to put one in my tank without upgrading lighting (i'm saving that money for a bigger tank with good lighting, sump, and everything now that i know a little bit about sw)
29 gallon bio cube with shrooms

29 gallon bio cube with shrooms

I have two shrooms red and florescent green and they are on rocks near the bottom and my tank only has two 36 watt power compacts with 2 actinics they are completely spread out and open.

I have move them all around the tank and they seem to like less current and they like to be have a small hole to root to it seems like.
I have a number of mushrooms very close to the surface under 250w 14k and the color has improved 10 fold. I have kept them under PC a few years or so ago when I started with my nano. They will do fine under lower light and survive, but after a brighter light and feedings, they come to life. I did move some of mine up slow and some I did not, but they have all done well with the higher light.
Tey spread faster under PC, but look better under MH. Try it yourself. You'll be amazed at the growth rate under PC but love their color under MH.
I have pink and green ricordea and a green mushroom in a 12g stock nanocube with only a 24w PC 50/50 bulb. They've been doing fine since I got them about 3 months ago...staying open, looking great.
400w MH 14-20k lumenarc and I am tossing the offspring into the sump/frag tank once a week and I plan on adding 300w vho this weekend to the new set up, 3x3x10inch, 700w on a 50gl softy tank.
Most of mine are between 1 to 7 inches under the water surface-I also feed heavy. Good luck with your shrooms!