shrooms for begginers?


New member
I'm a beginner and still in search of information:

what particular types of shrooms would be good for a beginner?

with the tank setup i have, i'm going to need something that is ok with low light and low flow. any specific suggestions for a species that would do fine under those conditions?

Almost any shrooms should be fine except ricordeas. When I was first starting out I found that the hairy green mushrooms were very easy to keep under almost any conditions.

If you provide more info about your tank specs we could help you more.
i have a 3 gallon pico. 9 watt PC 50/50 , HOB filter ( no filter, just for movement )
I have had good luck with mushrooms of the Rhodactis genus, but you will want to place them on top of your rocks as close to the light as possible. I agree with cbashaw that any of the corallimorphs will do ok in that set up, but I would stick to the inexpensive Rhodactis and Discosomas, start with just a couple and see how it goes. Good luck.
Stick to slow growing varieties. I bought plain purple mushrooms and they are just about the only thing in my tank now.