Sick fish? HELP!!!

yesterday I bought some bio spira and some chemi pure and ran home and put both in the tank. Now when I come home today at first it seemed like the fish were swimming a bit different... better it seemed but theyre still breathing kinda fast. I then noticed what to me seems like the males fins getting a bit better.
I ran a test for my parameters and found ammonia and nitrites at 0, nitrates at 20.

I then fed them to see if I got a response and I can say I saw the male eat a couple pellets for sure. The female I think i saw eat once but couldnt catch her again so I have to check again tomorrow.

I also see quite a few little white specs, some look like snails and some others look like little white dots with legs or tentacles or some kind of little stringy things coming out of all sides, I cant give a better discription because theyre all about the size of a grain of sand. I also find what I think are copepods or isopods hanging out by a hole on a rock (i hope theyre all good creatures). The pod looking things look like rollie pollies/ bedbugs/ those little dirt bugs that roll up into a ball, except theyre a translucent white color kinda.

I hope I can catch the female eating tomorrow and I hope all those little critters are a good sign.
yes, those little critters are a good sign, they are pods, it is usually a sign of a healthy tank and usually pop up at the end of the cycle.
This will be a good time to do a small water change, 10% should be plenty.
I am happy to hear that the fish appear to be doing better, try to feed them some life brine shrimp a couple of days to get their appetite going.
Avoid overfeeding!!!!!

Good luck!!
Im trying to only feed what they will eat in a few min, today was an exception tho since they didnt eat in 2 days and I wanted to make sure I could actually catch them eating. I bought some "brine shrimp plus", they were recommended by a few people because of thier ability to help boost immune systems etc.
Will live brine be better for the first couple days still? If so could they live fine in a 5g bucket with some water and an air stone? I also have no idea what to feed the brine or how much brine to feed the fish.

Any help with how to manage that would be great.

Thanks Roger
a little live brine shrimp will not be much of a protein or fat source, however, the ability of this little critters to wake up/incentive the fishes will to eat is unsurpassed. Once they are eating then you can mix the pellets.
thanks a ton for the help roger. Ill grab some brine tomorrow. If anyone knows at what time exotic aquariums or any LFS in the south miami/ westchester/ doral area lemme know. Ill be out and about by 10:30 and would like to get some asap to try and get these little guys healthy again.