Single rasta polyp not opening


New member
Purchased a small baby single polyp rasta frag about 2 weeks ago. It was open the first 2 days until one of my nassarius snails ran over the rasta frag. Since then it has not opened. Any suggestions? i recently moved it to a low light low flow area 2 days ago and still no change. Thanks in advance, nathan
It isnt melted yet. It just looks like how they look when the lights are out. Its just so tiny of a polyp is why i was concerned. Ill keep an eye on it
It sounds like it was fragged to young to me. However I wouldn't suspect a snail crawling over it would cause it to close for several days. Keep an eye on it and try not to move it around too much.
I know it wont help this situation, but my advice for future purchases would be to buy larger frags with atleast 5 polyps. I know when I started I bought a lot of single polyp frags because they were cheaper than multiple polyps, but many of those didn't make it and by trying to save a dollar I lost money and coral.
Ya ive been reading they do better when there are multiple polyps on the frag. Its definitely ticked off none the less lol ill let nature take its course, everything else in the tank is doing great so hopefully my mini rasta will open again soon