six line question

Deep Reef

Active member
I have a 6 line wrasse that has been in my tank for a month. yesterday i noticed he was missing. checked everywhere. didn't see anything dead. he didn't come out to feed...should I assume he is dead?
Greg, this has happened to me so many times! I had a huge mature clownfish and she disappeared. Nowhere to be found on the floor or anything. Recently I had a mated pair of cleaner shirmp, one went missing! And like you, my sixline recently went missing BUT I found him on the floor =-/

I think everyone in the hobby experiences some type of loss where you have no idea where the fish went lol There's just no explanation.

As far as your sixline, I mean he only went missing yesterday so I would wait a day or two but if he hasn't come out to feed when he does normally I'm assuming he's missing.

Good luck!
believe it or not, you will be happier in the long run not having that fish in there. they can get very mean over time.
Our of curiosity When they turn "mean" do they just become aggressive and mean towards other fish like damsels?
yeah I just got rid of mine a few months ago because he got really mean. my form of mean is I added a yellow watchman goby and the sixline attacked him the moment I put the goby in, the sixline bit it and acted like a raging pitbull lol. poor goby, well I caught mine and got him to a new home. I added a melanurus wrasse but it seems like he isn't very peaceful to other wrasses. I added a yellow coris wrasse last month and my melanurus wasn't having it either lol. I guess the wrasse is specifically aggressive to its own species and not to any other fish because I added an angel recently and no aggression to the angel at all.
It's been long enough now, if you haven't found him, you can probably smell him if you put your nose over the tank... They are little bastards. I have one now that knocks snails and crabs over just for the hell of it.