Skimmer for a 10G?


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What are some recommendations for a skimmer for a 10G? I have been out of the loop for a year or so. Anybody have any ideas? Thanks.

If you want something really cheap then maybe the Fission Nano Skimmer. If you want something better then maybe the Tunze DOC 9002 Nano Skimmer. You could probably get away with just water changes on a tank that size.
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Sorry couldnt resist!!! LOL
I would rather have a skimmer on the tank than not have one. I would prefer a HOB skimmer. I think I will go with the AquaC nano skimmer. I am planning on having LPS, a few SPS, zoas and ricordea.
I have an Aqua C EV 180 on my tank and if memory serves you had one at one time also. Anyway, I'm not happy with the skimmers overall performance. It's too finicky. It does a decent job, just feel it could be better.
I have an Aqua C EV 180 on my tank and if memory serves you had one at one time also. Anyway, I'm not happy with the skimmers overall performance. It's too finicky. It does a decent job, just feel it could be better.

I had the 180 for a while. I liked it while on my tank but it took some serious dialing in to get it to work correctly. I had the Remora on a 30G at one time and it worked really well.