Skimmer for sale>>Aqua C Urchin pro with mag#3 pump >>$80

How much noise do these make? Would there be any problem with having this run only by day and going off at night.
All skimmers make some noise, this skimmer can be turned on and off at will, it does not need to be readjusted each time. Its an awesome skimmer.
Incase anyone didn't know I ended up with the skimmer and now I have a couple of questions. Will it be ok if I throw this in the 20gallon tall aga I plan to use as my sump with out anything under it?
I will have a sock on all the tubes draining into it. I bought one from TPP, but think I am going to ask my Mom if she can make some smaller ones.
The tube going from the pump to the skimmer is a bit tall and the skimmer can not be set on the same surface with out being on a tilt(if that makes sense.) Hopefully you can see what I mean in the pic below. Should I just trim this a little bit?

Reading on <A HREF="">this page</A> it says, "Place directly on sump bottom - up to 12" deep ". Does this mean the water can not come any higher then 12" on the skimmer? I understand I can adjust the O ring as the height of the water and the height of the bubbles change, but is there some optimal height the water should be kept at. I was thinking originally of just throwing it in a sump, but I think I will place it in such a way the height of the water that surrounds it does not change.

Also does anyone think it's possible or practice to plumb this in such a way that the return heads straight into it. I was wondering if I could perhaps leave out the pump or use it elsewhere and just rely on the water coming down and all directly skim surface scum from the displays.

Skimmer body should not be submerged more than 12".

You can most certainly trim the tubing running to the skimmer.

If you are placing this skimmer in a sump where the water level will be deeper than 12" you can always raise the skimmer body off the floor of the tank a few inches...use some eggcrate or something...and rest the pump on the bottom of the tank.

As for noise...I highly suggest buying a few pieces of filter foam. The mag pumps are pertty quiet in my experience but they tend to vibrate. A piece of thick filter foam for it to rest on can do the trick.

Also, with the Urchin skimmers the foam comes from an injection system so the loudest part is where the injection nozzle is.

What you can do here is wedge a piece of filter foam ABOVE the foam injector (not around it or beneath it) to filter some of the noise that this part of the skimmer makes.

Good luck. Its a great skimmer and a phenomenal price.
Do you think it's possible or practical to plumb this in such a way that the drain coming from the displays goes straight into it, instead of using the pump?(I believe they may call this a recalculating skimmer?)

Possible? Yes.

Practical? No.

These skimmers will fill up with water and not have the appropriate level of foam if they are not run between specific flow rates. I know of Urchin Pros run on pumps as big as a Mag 7 and still they function.

I would imagine it would be difficult to plumb this into an overflow system. It may be difficult titrating the proper flow rate for one, and also decreasing the caliber of the overflow tubing to the inlet on the skimer (1/2" maybe?) would likely cause some flow problems.
Even If you feed the aqua remora directly with the proper flow rate from the tank over flow/syphon skimmer, what would make the bubbles?
The skimmer would still make the bubbles right? The pump doesn't take in any air for bubbles with this type of skimmer I thought. Isn't it just a normal mag 3 pump and propeller attached.