Skimmer opinions

From the Marine Depot page:

Customer reviews for ViaAqua Multi-Skimmer Deluxe w/ 5W UV Sterilizer

Multi Skimmer by Michael
This is a nice product - I am using it in combination with a Fluval and reverse UG. The UV light was broken when I got it, ViaAqua replaced it quickly with no complaints. Michael

Multi- Skimmer by Brian
Very loud, Good design, poorly constructed. It is perfect on a quarantine tank.

Rate Review: 3.5

I think Brian hit the nail on the head. I bought 2 ViaAqua heaters once, they were rated for salt water, looked real cool, external controls, etc. Junk, lasted only months.
Thanks for the advice. I was able to find a couple other posts around the net complaining about this skimmer. Mostly about loud sucking noises and micro bubbles.

I was thinking that the UV would be a nice addition to the tank. I think I'll probably go with a better known skimmer though.
Are you looking for a Hang on? I am using the Remora Pro, it does OK but I am considering upgrading to the Deltec MCE600 which I am hearing good things about.