Skimmer reccomendation BK160


I have a 100 gallon with a 30 gallon sump and was wondering if this is my best bet as far as skimmers go. I can go in sump or recirc. and was wondering what you reccomend. Heavy stocked reef aquarium.

Thank you,
Hi Gary,

Far as quality of construction, you can't beat the Bubble King. The Mini 160 would handle your tank pretty easy. So that would make a nice high end choice.

If you want to get the cost down, the Octopus Extreme TS150, PS150 or EXT150 would work, or i think i would oversize a bit and go with the PS200 or EXT200.

The other option would be EuroReef RS135, we still have thsoe left instock. It's discontinued item, only because EuroReef is changing to selling direct instead of through stores. So still a good skimmer, but we wouldn't be able to offer replacement parts for it.

Have you sold alot of the Extreme PS200 skimmers. I can't find any info on these. Any complaints or problems with these? How are the pumps?

Yes, we have sold quite a few. No feedback at all or reviews yet. That's often a good sign though, means no complaints so far.
How about a Reeflo 200? Costs slightly less then a BK & I would think it would perform quite well.

So ER is eliminating their retailers & their products can only be purchased from ER themself? That I would think is a horrible move.......
I really like the Reeflo 200. Bit oversized for your tank though, but certainly would do the job. It's on the "big" foot print size, but the Orca external pump is really nice.

Ya, ER is selling direct and offering a small discount for dealers to offer there products as a dropship with a 5-10 day ship time. So that wouldn't work for us, since our #1 goal is customer service and getting our customers what they need fast. So we don't think customers should have to wait to get a skimmer. If it was a big Bubble King 300, i can see it, but not a small EuroReef that should be a stocked item. So you might still see Euroreef offered on some online stores, but there new business tactics just don't go with what we try and do at Premium.
Jason, while you're here, what is the best bet for a HOT skimmer for a 75? I've been looking at Bermuda Rogue wave, and the octopus, both seem VERY hard to find anywhere in stock. Gary, please excuse the B&E on your thread, but it is a skimmer question. Thanks, Ken

We usually recommend AquaC Remora's for hang-on skimmers. Many people get the AquaMedic Turbo Multi as well, which I think is a good skimmer, but it's on the big side for hang-on. We just got in the new Berlin X2 which can hang on as well, but is about the same size as the AquaMedic, so would be a good skimmer, but bulky to hang.

So in what we have, i would say Remora PRO.

That was first time i've heard of the Bermuda. It's pretty strange looking skimmer, but I don't know anything about it. First thought from looks was it was odd design and overpriced, but could be really nice. I'll see if we can get some more info from the manufacture on prices. I think you can only improve that square hang-on design so much though. Bakpak, Remora, Octopus, Bermuda, can only get so much out of that size and shape of a skimmer. Remora did improve on the bakpak.

We should have the Octopus hang-ons in a coulple of weeks. They do have a high demand, but not sure how they compare to remora yet.
remoras come with to small of pump, since i upgraded both of my tanks with sumps and insump skimmers i sold both of my remoras.
But i put a rio 2500 on remora pro and a rio 1400 on regular remora and they produced a whole lot better. Lovin my new extreme octopus 150, thanks again jason for great buy on skimmer.