skimmer recommendations


New member
I have a 220 with a 75g ref/sump and currently running two berlin skimmers. I am having no problems, just thinking of upgrading to one big skimmer. any recommendations? i want the best bang for the buck. let me know what you guys think or what you are using.
I prefer beckett skimmers. I used a PM Bullet 1 on my 135, and will be running a dual beckett from MRC on my new 210.
I am running coralife skimmers on two tanks. There .........pretty good, but definately not an upgrade to what you currently have

On my big tank I have a EuroReef Skimmer CS-400 it is the full package to say the least. but it was DAMM pricey

My Reef Creations makes a very good skimmer and Andy over there will customize it for your particular tank, and they are very reasonable