Skimmer suggestions


Premium Member
About to get a 60 cube with about a 20g capacity sump. It will be able to have a skimmer with up to a 10x14 footprint. I would like to buy new but I don't want to spend a lot. I know there are a lot of knock offs out there also. Is there anything under 200 that would be good. Looking for something that has a maximum capacity of 160 or more.
For a 60g, a skimmer with a 5" body, 2.75" neck, and 420 lph of air would be sufficient and more within your budget, but it sounds as if you are asking for a 6" body, 3.5" neck, and 720+lph of air. That's a tall request for $200.

Closest thing I see now is the AquaMaxx Cone 2 In-Sump Protein Skimmer now on sale at Marine Depot for $253.48. Research before you buy.
Bubble Magus Curve 5 sounds like it fits the bill without getting technical. It's rated 140g on a light load and 60g heavy. Small foot print and works very well. Easy to disassemble and clean.
The Bubble Magus Curve 5 would probably work well on a 60-80g, but the 140g rating that the manufacturer claims seems dubious to me. Looks like that skimmer is sized similarly to a 5", 2.75" neck, 420lph skimmer that I mentioned before. Don't take my word for it, take this guys:

The Curve 5 requires a water depth of 9.5"-11". That is pretty deep!
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I got an email from BRS that they will discount the vertex 130 on Black Friday for 199 usually 329.