skimmer/ sump?

I have two 20gal tanks that are not being used. All you need to do is silicone in the baffles. They just need a little cleaning. Free to local fish head.
I already have a standard 10 gal. tank and plenty of heaters, is it hard to make a sump?
What size do i really need for a 55 gallon?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8861177#post8861177 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by milkshake
I also have an extra heater if you need one.

how much do you want for that heater? and would it be enough for a 29g?
Hey southernstang, I believe it's a 100W. I just plugged it in and it works as it should. I live in Millington,TN...about 10 minutes north of Memphis on hwy51. You can have it if you bring me a pack of Kool Milds in the box (blue box).
Hey Keaton...the 10 would work, but it would be crowded. Are you running a HOB skimmer or are you planning on putting it in the sump? Are you going to put your return pump in the sump or are you going to use an external pump? Are you going to run carbon in your sump all the time or just some of the time?
To be honest with you, Barrett is the master when it comes to the sumps. He could give you some pointers or possibly build you a sump.
Hope I helped...
Well I’m not totally sure what I am planning on doing but I think I’ll keep carbon in, put the return in the sump, and put both the skimmer and heater in the sump..... Yea I probably need something bigger.


bshumake--- you have a pm