

New member
so im trying to figure out what skimmer would be best for my setup. i have a 180 gallon tank and all glass mega sump model four.
You might want to do a search under equipment, filtration, ect... There are many threads that address your question, instead of waiting around here for a suggestion!;-) What ever you decide I would recommend a skimmer that is overpowered for your requirements.

Good luck
I can tell you from experience that no skimmer big enough for your tank will fit in that sump. I had to add an extra skimmer sump to fit my Octopus Extreme 250 in because it wouldn't fit in that sump.
so is what your saying is i have to use the rest of my space underneath my tank for a skimmer? lol could you do two smaller ones (so they fit in my sump) with equal power to one big one? any way of making one?
The AGA sump is really designed for a fish only/ freshwater tank and to be used as a wet/dry filter. The amount of room available for a skimmer, calcium reactor, phosphate reactor, auto top off, and heaters is really minimal when you are trying to effectively run your tank.

Honestly, I would just get rid of that sump and get a 75 gallon tank which you can add baffles to. That way you can get a big enough skimmer (I'm thinking octo extreme 250 or 300). IME, two smaller skimmers will not be as effective as one truly able to handle your tank.
i will look into that. im trying to keep stuff as compact as possible being that the tank is in my living room. i have enough to fit everything i need underneath minus ro/di. any disadvantages to having an out of sump skimmer?
External skimmers can be even better than in sump skimmers (like the new super reef octopus xp-5000, or reeflo orcas), but they will require more space to operate. Hang on the back skimmers are usually not very good for tanks bigger than ~55 gallons, IME.
Octopus just started selling the Super Reef Octopus Cone XP3000. It would be perfect for a 180 if it will fit in your sump.