Skimming and Algae Issues


Premium Member
I'm currently running a fish only marine tank. It's a 55gal with 9 fish (over-stocked / I know) with a fluval 404 and a seaclone 150 skimmer. I have about 50-70lbs live rock. The problem is re-occurring green alge blooms! Every two weeks or so I have to do some extensive tanks clean up. I've reduced feeding and have taken steps to reduce phosphates. In addition, water changes are conducted with my new RO/DI unit.

Any suggestions??/

Also my Seaclone skimmer seems to working well functinally - But I rarely have to empty the colection cup - what's up with that?? Some people I talk to empty thier collection cup twice a week???

Any advice will be appreciated!:confused:
You are over stocked and under filtered, under skimmed. You need to set up a sump and get a much better skimmer or you'll continue to have these problems. There is no way of getting around that....
You could just go with a basic 20 gallon long for a sump but as for skimmer, we need to know what your price range is. I would be prepared to spend at least $200 for a decent one...what is your budget?
Sorry about the photo link! I'm trying to learn more about using the site!

I have two issues - I'm willing to spend the money for the skimmer, no problem. But I'm looking into a 2nd setup to experiment with a reef tank. So I want to keep this tank running without a big investment so I can put the money towards the new setup (a nice 45 gal corner reef-ready tank).