Slipper/Tongue Coral Frags to trade


Photo Nut
Premium Member
Anybody around the State College or Lancaster, PA area wanna trade a frag for a frag?

I have 4 pieces I'm looking to part with that are between 1-2" in diameter.

Here is a pic:

To be quite honest, I'm not too sure. Anything that looks cool, and can add some color to the tank.

I see in your pictures you have some frogspawn and xenia. Is the xenia pulsing?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9127966#post9127966 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bwest
To be quite honest, I'm not too sure. Anything that looks cool, and can add some color to the tank.

I see in your pictures you have some frogspawn and xenia. Is the xenia pulsing?


it's pulsing...."red-sea"....."pom-pom".....lots of different names, grows like a weed if it's happy.
But I give no guarantee,

Well if you'd like to part with some of it, I'd like to give it a try. I'm in State College 95% of the time, and wouldnt mind driving to meet up.
YOu can put the rest up for trade on the site for the NCPARS fragswap.

What color is this coral. ? I'll take one, and trade with you. What are you interested in . I have lots of sinularia, colt, leather corals, and sps.

I'd be interested in trading with you if you were bringing them to the swap (as Sanjay suggested). Unfortunately, I don't get to State College that often.
Sanjay- Do you happen to have any toadstool leather or similar? If not, I could go for an sps frag of something. I'll be in State College until later this evening, but if that's too soon, I'll be back Saturday evening.

Murph- If I'm in your area down the road, I'll let you know. I know I'll be passing through Mid-april. By then I may frag the thing again.

As for fragswapper, I considered it, but don't think I'll be able to make it to the swap this time around.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9132363#post9132363 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Sanjay
What color is this coral. ?

I forgot that I didn't answer this. The color is pretty similar to the picture. A greenish-brown with little white tips.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9132925#post9132925 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bwest
Sanjay- Do you happen to have any toadstool leather or similar? If not, I could go for an sps frag of something. I'll be in State College until later this evening, but if that's too soon, I'll be back Saturday evening.

Murph- If I'm in your area down the road, I'll let you know. I know I'll be passing through Mid-april. By then I may frag the thing again.

As for fragswapper, I considered it, but don't think I'll be able to make it to the swap this time around.

I am at home now. check you pm for my phone number.

I have lots of toadstool type leathers.

I still have a couple left if anyone is in the area.

By the way, thanks Sanjay and Bill, for letting me drop by.