small GBTA's for trade ...


New member
Hey all,

I've got a few (4) small GBTA's that I'm looking to move to new homes. They're all small, about 1" to 2" in diameter. I've had them in my tank for just over a year now. I decided I needed to make some room in the tank and would like to try a few new things besides anemones.

I'd love to trade for some small zoanthid frags (any red or oranges? :D ) or pretty much anything else you'd like to offer (except for mushrooms and xenia I guess :rolleyes: ). My wife would actually like a GSP frag if someone has one ...

Let me know if you're interested ...

I was hoping to get a couple of pictures posted, but I didn't get to it before the tank lights shut down for the night. I should have pictures posted tomorrow night ... I hope :)
As promised, here are some pictures of the GBTA's and my tank ...

These two anemone's have been side by side since they split about 11 months ago (shortly after I redid my tank setup). The one on the left is the biggest GBTA I have at ~ 2" diameter.

<a href="" title="Two GBTA's by skyfire.blaze, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Two GBTA's" /></a>

Here are the same two GBTA's only with the flash --

<a href="" title="Two GBTA's by skyfire.blaze, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Two GBTA's" /></a>

And a top-down shot ...

<a href="" title="Top Down of Upper GBTA's by skyfire.blaze, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Top Down of Upper GBTA's" /></a>

Here's a full tank shot with the pumps turned off (yeah, I know I really need to clean my overflow box and the glass - especially the back). Two GBTA's are near the upper right of the rockwork (the ones from the previous pictures). The other two GBTA's are on the rock on the sand in the middle of the tank.

<a href="" title="Jon's 37g - 03/18/2008 by skyfire.blaze, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Jon's 37g - 03/18/2008" /></a>

This is a rather poor picture of the anemone from the middle of the tank.

<a href="" title="Middle GBTA by skyfire.blaze, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Middle GBTA" /></a>

And finally, this is the GBTA near the sand. You can really tell how off the white balance is by looking at the sand ... yikes! Still ...

<a href="" title="Bottom GBTA by skyfire.blaze, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Bottom GBTA" /></a>
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