Small rbta help


New member
My small rbta that ive had for about a month now hasnt been really haveing "œbubble tips". I just want to know if it too small now and will eventually grow and have the beautiful tentacles we all desire. It eats small pieces of silversides every 4-5 days. It is in my nano fluval evo 5.

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I don't think I've ever really heard a definitive answer as to why Anemones will exhibit the bubbles on the tips and why they do not. One of life's great mysteries I guess. ;)
I have the same problem, turns out my peppermint shrimp took a liking to the anemone. They have been removed and it is growing.
Looks healthy to me. If it's eating, and it's attached and has stayed put, it's probably happy. I'd say leave it alone. I know this is hard to do, as I learned the hard way with my long tentacle. My bubble tips looked like that after one split into two on way home from purchasing them, and 6 weeks later, they're now happy and healthy. Extended sometimes, bubbled up at night. Looks like she's doing fine in your case.

Anything in the tank bothering it, though (to your peppermint shrimp point, carmodpg)?
Agreed, it is one of lifes mysteries. They either bubble or dont and just because they dont today doesn't mean they won't tomorrow and vice versa. People have had them split and stay right next to one another and one bubbles the other doesn't.

On another note if you choose to continue feeding it (which isn't necessary) switch to mysis or something similar. It isn't really good to feed them silversides and many have reported issues doing so.
Looks healthy to me. If it's eating, and it's attached and has stayed put, it's probably happy. I'd say leave it alone. I know this is hard to do, as I learned the hard way with my long tentacle. My bubble tips looked like that after one split into two on way home from purchasing them, and 6 weeks later, they're now happy and healthy. Extended sometimes, bubbled up at night. Looks like she's doing fine in your case.

Anything in the tank bothering it, though (to your peppermint shrimp point, carmodpg)?

Nothing bothering it, but i heard that for rbta you need 5w per gallon and i got a 5 gallon with 10w of 11000k light but the rbta is only like 12 inch away from the light, can it be a light problem

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Yes, BTA loves light, it provides 75% of it food.
The tank is too small, BTA, no less than 30, 50 better.
Water chemistry will fluctuate way to much for proper health.

Some bubble, some don't, no proof yet, some believe it is connected with light and their photosynthesis process. Mine bubbles only on the side which has direct strong lighting, but may just by coincidence.