Soaking Wet Main Pump (OOPS!) ground-faulting out

Mako Shark II

Fish are Friends not Food
Okay, let's not even discuss HOW the Main Pump got majorly sopping wet. That's a separate thread.

The real Question is, on a Gen-X PCX30 pump, how can I drain the Armature out? I pulled Off the end-bell cap, which shields the Cooling Fan, and when I pulled out the three little screws, about 10 CC's of water drained out from inside the armature housing.


This in and of itself might be enough to correct the GFI circuit from popping, but I was curious is I could shoot some Electric Contact Cleaner up in there, to displace the residual water.

Dirty Jokes?
(Unrealated to how the stupid thing got soaked in the first place.)
Marty......what happened. sorry I had to ask. I am helping my buddy set his 90 up today. I'm gonna try to get him to post some pics of his build on here
Marty - I have heard in relation to marine electronics like radios and depth finders and such that were submerged in salt water that this was recommended.

1. Flush it completely with fresh water to remove all the salt.
2. Drain as much water out as possible.
3. Flush it completely with rubbing alcohol. This will displace the water and will then evaporate.

I haven't tried this. I just read it in a Field and Stream magazine one time in another life.