Soft coral quarantine


New member
I was wanting to get done soft corals. Are these advisable to get early on in a tank? What kinda of disease can they bring to the tank, infect fish and other corals? I read some people quarantine and others don't. The last thing I want to do is spend a month or more quarantine fish just to get them sick from a coral I bring in. Since I have fish in qt right now can I buy some soft coral and put them in my display tank now and the tank will be good to go by the time my fish go in?
I’ve heard stories about what corals can bring.

I’m assuming your tank is cycled? You may need to feed the tank lightly depending on how long the tank will be fish free. Maybe not though (soft corals are mostly hardy).

I dip corals in Bayer’s for pests, and diluted hydrogen peroxide (3%) before adding to my tank. Both dips are documented in this forum if you want to read further into it.