Soft corals will be eaten?

I think you'd be safe in either case, in general. I have caught a green and gold brittle eating a devils hand (it was mush in his mouth when I pulled it out), but I don't think that is the norm. The big green brittles have a reputatino of being potential coral and fish predators, but many of the other brittles are fine (in general). I had a pink pincushion urchin for a year or so several years back and it didn't touch my softies at all (loved coralline, though). As can be the case for most animals in this hobby, it is on a animal by animal basis. I have a scribbled rabbitfish that eats zoas and is now munching on my acan echinata's... Most don't have this issue, though. Murphy has an extended vacation home in my house...
My brittle star doesn't go anywhere near any of my corals. My black urchin is far too content with the coraline smorgasbord that is the back of my glass, so he's not a problem either. From what I've read, all of the above are very reef safe (minus the voracious green brittle star of course).