Soft Tank Temp?


New member
I just bought a new thermometer and the temp in my takes show between 86-90 before the lights are on! My Mushrooms are only partial open, some have bleached out, zoos are closed-few open, cabbage and toadstool look good.

What would you recommend as the avg temp for a soft tank?
My salinity is generally 1.024 to 1.025 would that make a difference?

I will be purchasing the best thermometer that I can today.
I would say your temperature is WAY to high ... maybe your getting faulty readings but if notI would start topping of evap with distilled water ice cubes until you can install some fans or invest in a chiller.

What do you think is causing the heat problem?

I also don't think softies prefer a different temperature then any other type of coral but for an example I keep my tank all my tanks at 76-78 degrees.

Higher temps will actually cause more growth (but you can fry your tank if you go to high) but it also causes viruses/bacteria etc. to grow faster causing a lot more outbreaks of diseases in your tank.
Definitely get a better temp probe for a second opinion and then get that tank cooled down! Check your heater/s (it may be faulty). A good quick way to cool it down is to get a small 6 inch fan and blow it under the lights across the top of the water. Maybe even 2 fans, one on each end of the tank. If your water is that hot, you could have a bad heater or perhaps you have something heating the water up (external pump, etc). If this is the case, nothing will work to cool it down until you find the culprit. Please let us know how you have your tank setup and what equipement you have running and where that equipment is running(internal or external). Also, what's the temp in the house?
Thanks for advise
The problem was a floating thermonitor that was giving a reading of 80 when it seems the temp was higher. I bought 3 digitals and a new floater. Each one is off a degree or 2 but at least I have a safe gaurd with multiple readings.

I let the tanks cool down overnight and am now reseting the temps to 78, and will monitor the temps with the lights on. dont think that I will have further problems.

I have 2 12G Nano AquaPods, one setup as a soft reef and one set up as a planted tank. Both have been setup since Jan and are now running good.

My third tank I just finished, 29 gal, Fish, LR, Mushroom combo.
CPA overflow, 10 gal below sump/refuge, coralife 65 skimmer, 130 wattlight with cooling fan.

Heres a pic of the 12 gal soft reef!



Thanks for the advise