softie not opening


New member
My sinularia has not opened for 5 days is there some water peramiter that they are sensitive too. that i could check.
thanks !
I have a sarcophyton that has been doing the same thing. I tested my water and everyting seemed to be in line with pH, CA, Alk, Temp, SG, Nitrate, Phosphate - all in check.


For almost two weeks the sarcophyton (and some zoanthids) did not open. After I tested the water I decided to change out the carbon with a Poly-filter pad. Low and behold the pad turned greenish brown after a few days indicating that it was removing ammonia...which I did not test for. :sad2:

So then I tested for ammonia and found that there was a very low level of ammonia in the tank (after running the Poly-filter). I can not explain it. The system must be experiencing some die-off from live rock or maybe a snail or two?

So now the sarcopyton and other corals are begining to show some polyp extension since the ammonia level is dropping. I would think about checking ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate in your system to see if they are at elevated levels.
Thanks Sammy33
Like you said my peramiters are fine as far as my test kits can test. I may have some low level ammonia ! the whole tank seems a little off in polyp extension. but the thing about this is i have a green sinularia thats full out and looks good compared to the rest in the tank. you would think the similar species would react the same way ?
My softies close up for weekes at a time. Shed of a waxy layer and re-open. This seem to be a normal process for my softies.