Some insight reference rip off


Premium Member
Because there was a lfs here I decided to open our bookstore. I have our tank right here in the store since I pretty much live here and sleep at home. I have a 20 gallon freshwater tank at home and a small pond outside.

If I had opened a lfs it would have been what I consider pretty full line. I've discussed this with the lfs here and I am told that is not what we as consumers want. I worked at a lfs that was fresh and salt water fish with a full line of plants and supplies (this included kits, foods, and supplements). You could walk in the store and walk out with most basic set-ups. Special set-up or a line they did not carry would result in an order that you could pick up later (not much different than ordering online). Is this truely old fashioned and the consumer would not support such a store because of the availability of online purchasing or other lfs?

I do not like to travel and don't have much time for traveling (I work here almost 90 hours a week with only 1 day off) The second closest lfs is 30 minutes away and soon there will be another one just a bit further that I can get to by turnpike within 30 minutes. However, I have been told by consumers that each lfs is different and I should shop around.

Presently my quarrel is the fact I am recommended to go to Pet Supermarket or online when I can't find what I want at the lfs. Am I being oldfashioned wanting to find what I want at the lfs?

I am looking for colorful corals and polyps and this is what I am told-the wholesaler is getting in regular supplies but they are not getting in very much in the way of coral. (the lfs is not able to visit them daily to see what they got in that day-I understand). I asked about ORA and other places here in Florida and was told no one wants to purchase frags. Is this true? Any suggestions on how to get some color in the tank without having to resort to online purchasing? (as stated above I don't have time for long distance travel-my day off is full of all the things one gets done when they get home-but I don't get home for those things so they get done on that day)

Thank you for reading to this point, and perhaps I am whinning or perhaps I can gain some insight how what it takes to get this tank the way I want it. and please let me know if it isn't old fashioned to want a full line or at least a fuller line lfs.

30 minutes away from you is Miami and south Miami. There are about a dozen stores within 10 minutes of each other. They're all on Bird Rd. and the 826. Then there are 2 down on 136ish and US1.

You may have already, but I suggest taking a peek at the map of all the stores in the area.

Also, the only stores that regularly get ORA is Eco-Reef on Atlantic Blvd in Broward, out east next to the intracoastal. I believe Bernard at Fishes of Eden gets occasional shipments of ORA, but I would call first.

Hope that helps.
I would love for the LFS that is right by me to carry all the colorful corals and fish I want. But I have to take myself up to all the LFS and "shop", this includes regular trips up to broward as well. I take my wife and we make it an event. I rather do this kind of shopping then lug around the mall and watch her try on shoes!!
Years ago I was in a rock band playing the local clubs. In one meeting with our booking agent, we complained that he was booking us into clubs that were far away and we didn't want to travel that far. To that he replied "You want me to build you a nightclub in your backyard?"

So, you live and work in Homestead, not exactly the LFS capital of the world. Sure it would be great if your LFS had all the stuff you want, but one store rarely does. That's why I created the (dat-da-daaah) LFS Finder. You can find stores near you with contact info and driving directions. I suggest you call around and see what they have before getting in the car for the long schlep northward.

LFS Finder - Find an Aquarium Store near you

:fish2: :fish1: :fish2: :fish1:
Okay, sorry I'm not too clear. (this is the biggest reason I usually lurk and don't write-expression is not my forte) I've never argued price with my lfs as I have the right to just walk away, but I have repeatedly asked them for more inventory. I was hoping to understand if the lack of inventory was due to the consumers buying habits-online rather than the lfs, competition where each specializes enough different to stay alive or the lack of funds to have a full line lfs like the one I worked in. And if a full line lfs were to open would it be supportable in today's economy?

ReefWreak Thank you so much for your advice. I've only really found one store up there and was not impressed with what they had in stock at the time. I'm sure with regular visits I could walk in and find a good supply, but I hate shopping and therefore don't want to "shop around" looking for what I want. Thanks for the explaination about who buys ORA. My lfs didn't say they weren't available to him, he just stated that no on buys frags and they sell frags therefore he wouldn't carry frags.

flfireman1 said it well. I want my lfs to carry a larger variety than they do already.

pedromatic thank you for your lfs finder. There are two and soon to be three lfs within a distance I'm willing to drive. I'm just wanting at least one of them to carry a larger variety. Perhaps the third one when it opens will be the ticket. The problem I have is if I don't find what I want from the one and check out the other one, I still don't find what I want. When I let them know what I am looking for I get what I stated earlier about the availability of what I am looking for and/or to shop at so and so to get it.

As for all the stores 30 minutes up the road, I don't drive that fast. 30 minutes from where I am now driving US 1 gets me to the second closest lfs. 30 minutes does get me further north when I take the turnpike, but then I have to drive around so there is still more than 30 minutes involved. As stated earlier my time is limited as I must be here so much.

Anyway, thanks. Its my hangup and as I know the lfs will not change (or may not be able to carry more as the local consumer population is not capable of supporting a larger inventory). I'll just drool over your tanks and color up my tank the best I can with what the lfs is willing to present to me here.

Again, thanks.
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Oh, and the explanation about why noone carries ORA is because last I heard, they make you order something like $500 (wholesale) worth of fish to get any coral, so if someone wants ORA coral, they've got to move a TON of fish first.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11924534#post11924534 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfragger101
Take one day off.
Go to the upcoming FragSwap.
Buy lots of colors at a reasonable price.

All in one place.
I was going to post exactly the same advice.
Glad I scrolled to the bottom and saw your post before I did. :lol:

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11924612#post11924612 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
Oh, and the explanation about why noone carries ORA is because last I heard, they make you order something like $500 (wholesale) worth of fish to get any coral, so if someone wants ORA coral, they've got to move a TON of fish first.
Actually, it's only $200 worth, but that's still a problem if you sell more corals than fish.