some new pics


Active member
Just updating a bit. Big thanks to Joe & Jonathan for babysitting my stuff while I fought the caulerpa.

my harlequin shrimp would love of a frag of your starfish..they were both sitting on top of an upside down sand sifting star last night and two legs were already gone..i just put it in the tank on monday..
Knockout's an hour from me. I'll drive up if they have the lobo and respond, but how's the store? I don't deal with many lfs' anymore. I mostly trade, but lobos and clams are hard to trade for.
Small, but there's always a gem or two to be had. It would be better to call rather than e-mail. He's a busy guy.
[/IMG] the good ol' ufo

I call this one my gold dust lord. It originally came from Reef Raft in Canada, was imported by Jim Gintner of Eye Catching Coral, bought by my friend Huey, died back to two polyps, then given to me and grown into what you see today over the course of 4 years. Really quite stunning and changes color depending on the angle of light hitting it.
I'm hoping to make the trip up there tomorrow or Saturday. Ive got some REAL nice acans to trade if you're interested.