Some pics.. Been a long time!


I haven't posted anything for a couple years.. I pretty much got out of the hobby due to red bugs, acro flatworms, you name it. I have been going strong for the past 6 months and this is the result:





Here's what my tank looked like in June 2003

Thanks a lot guys! The tank is a standard eurobraced 50 gal (3'x18x18"). Lighting is one 250w hqi 14k de. I am gonna add a second soon I think. Alk has been sitting around 14dkh, cal 420. The tank is ina nice cool basement so it stays at around 77 degrees at all times.. Not sure what else to add for specs.. Nothing special or unusual. I do run salinity really high 1.028 right now.. I was going to lower it, but things have been doing better then ever so I figure just go with it..

I'll post a full shot tomorrow..

Amazing, this hobby really is very hard to get away from. I know how you feel about red bugs and flatworms. I just got done with my first treatment for AEFW's and Red Bugs. The treatments available now seem to be effective, at least thats what others are reporting. Great Job! :thumbsup: