some pics


New member
Anytime I head on down to El Paso I try to upload some pics for dennis.





120gal. Noticed some of the rocks are alittle fuzzy. I was away for two weeks and had the GF watching it for me. She did a awesome job. She even cleaned the skimmer!
Wish I could find a girlfriend willing to clean my skimmer.. you are a lucky man!
120gal. Noticed some of the rocks are alittle fuzzy. I was away for two weeks and had the GF watching it for me. She did a awesome job. She even cleaned the skimmer!

Any girl that services my skimmer is a keeper!!!! :)

Steffen Sparks
ahlebik - Nice!! :thumbsup: I too like the rock work. Lots of places to mount coral!! Even after 30 years my girl won't come near a skimmer cup!!!

fish, the purple firefish was being non social tho... seems that like 1 in 25 pictures actually comes out...





Also the goby decides he wants to move all the sand from one side of the tank to the other every time I get the camera out...
haha, i have a great girlfriend, but she actually doesnt like to eat fish or sea creatures or the smell of it. couldnt get her near my fish food, i wonder if she would clean my skimmer. haha
After the battle of hair algae.....



No more hairy rocks. Everything is growing like a champ. I took alot of pictures but deleted them after uploading them to facebook....

You can search Andy Hlebik and find me there if you want some closer shots.

BTW if anyone wants that leather coral thats sitting there on the sand let me know... last week half the heads fell off.... I was worried it was in a bad way. then the next day I had 50 of them stuck all over the tank. Im still picking them out of the rocks!
Love the clowns as well! Also like the maxi mini carpet. Did you get yours at MSWW? that's where I got mine. Only wish mine would extend as yours does. Great job on the tank! Everyone seems health and happy. :thumbsup:
Yeah I got it from dennis. It extends like that every morning then kinda comes back down abit. Its a active little thing.

The clowns always put on a good show when someone comes over.