Some SPS for sale

Joe Cool

New member

1-4. Walt Disney $140 over 1" some multi branch
5-6. Cherry Bomb tenuis $150 over 1"
7. Cherry Bomb tenuis $100 1"
8. SC Orange Passion $50 over 1"

#2 WD under 6 blue+ and 2 reefbrite.

#6 Cherry Bomb


Also have
Bubblegum Digi: $20-$40 2" frag-mini colony
JF Sour Twist: $30 multi branch fully encrusted
JF Unknown: $30 fully encrusted
Pacman: $30 2"+ multibranch
WWC Grizzly Adams: $30 2" multibranch
WWC Black Widow Baby: $30
WWC Slimeball anacrapora: $10
WWC Terra Red: $40
WWC Mars Attacks: $20
Cornbred the thing anacrapora: $10
PC Rainbow $45 little colony
Reef Raft Snow Cone tenuis: $20
Tyree Pinky the Bear: $40
Gonzo Blueberry Diesel: $40

Cornbred 3g mummy eye chalice: $40 almost completely covering 2.75" disk
WWC 4 color cyphastrea: $40 Completely covered 2.75" disk
wwc bizarro cyphastrea: $20
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I'm visiting Miami during the first weekend of March. It's a quick trip but if I have some time and if it works for you I'll visit?

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Also down in Miami and interested for whenever you make it down. Would be great if you could post when you're gonna travel down close to when you do and I'm sure lots of people would want to meet up to buy