Some zoos disappearing...


New member
I have a 120g mixed reef with SPS, LPS, and some nice zoos and palys. Some of my zoos seem to be disappearing, the colonies have fewer and fewer polyps. The remaining polyps are perfect, open, beautiful. I have looked for pests, and found 1 sundial snail which I removed. The affected colonies are large zoos/palys such as RPE and Ding Dangs. Small zoos like my PPE, Rastas, etc. all seem to be fine and growing in number. Any clues? Should I do a freshwater dip or use Revive? I'm clueless on dealing with zoo pests. ANY help would be greatly appreciated.
I have had the same problem here lately for osme reason. I havent lost a coral in a couple years then all of a sudden a couple of my zoa colonies started receding. Doesnt make sense to me I dont have any known predators in my tank
I had a colony of green dragon eyes start melting recently. It was on a LR frag about 4"x4" covered.

As they receded (about 25 polyps worth) the rock seemed covered by some sort of calcium. no known pest seen and tank params were dead on. It kept receding so I decided to frag and see what happened.

long story short, receding stopped and frags have grown double in size since then(1 month ago)

The only difference I can possibly chalk it up to was I was using Tropic Marin Pro reef salt and have changed to D and D Pro mag mix.
You said you removed a sundial, there is most likely more of them. I myself do use revive, however, have heard it isn't good for the zoanthids and paly's. I use it anyway because it's strong and I do not want pests in my tank. I would definitely remove the colonies you can, and do a dip. You may fine out on the first colony's dip exactly what is your culprit. Good luck man, we feel your pain.
Thanks for the advice. It may be those darn big pods!!!!:-) I will do a dip, but in what? I've freshwater dipped fish, but never corals. I agree that there's probably more sundials around, what kills them? Revive, TMPPC, freshwater, lugols?
I myself do use revive, however, have heard it isn't good for the zoanthids and paly's. I use it anyway because it's strong and I do not want pests in my tank. I would definitely remove the colonies you can, and do a dip. You may fine out on the first colony's dip exactly what is your culprit. Good luck man, we feel your pain.
Thanks for the advice. It may be those darn big pods!!!!:-) I will do a dip, but in what? I've freshwater dipped fish, but never corals. I agree that there's probably more sundials around, what kills them? Revive, TMPPC, freshwater, lugols?

sundials should be easy to see, just pull them off.
try this:tonight when the lights go out go check out your tank with a red light you should see the pods roaming around your zoos.

best thing to do is get a 4 line or 6 line

hope this helps
I found out what was making mine die. I noticed every zoa I had, had zoa pox why? Who knows my chiller keeps my water at a constant temp no fluctuations or anything although I have heard many reports from credible sources that have said for some unknown reason this is the time of year it breaks out.

So I went and bought revive and double dosed the water(dont try this at home :) ) left them in there 10 min swooshed the living heck outta them and took the little plastic thing that you fill your test tubes with and blasted the heck out of them and put them back in the tank and dont see anymore zoa pox and they are all open and happy :)
My vote is for giant pods. I had a bunch of my RPEs eaten overnight suddenly as well as a few magicians. I was given another single polyp of magician and woke up one morning to see a huge pod eating it. It opened back up a week later and was missing some of the skirt. Hopefully it recovers.
I do have massive pods and a huge pod population. I've toyed with dosing interceptor to reduce the pod population. I'll have to check it out later tonight.
I may be encountering the same problem... Only thing is, I already have a six line wrasse. It ate the crap out of the Zoa eating nudi's but can't figure out what else would be causeing this. Is it possible to have too clean of water for Zaos? The ones doing bad are my PPE & Darth Mauls. Any suggestions?
I had sponge take over a couple of colonies. Was hard to see it. It was whitish and caused the colony to disappear. IMO its not pods. Try different location. Sometimes flow changes help.
I did a Revive dip last night of most of my remaining colonies. I'll see later tonight how everything looks. Nothing unusual came off in the water. I didn't notice any nudis, pox, or snails. I did have some pods in the water, but they are EVERYWHERE!!!!!
I am having some zoos get brown stuff on them and wither away. Most of them look great, but some are just melting away. I do have tons of huge pods running amuk, never knew they ate zoas.....