something on my mushroom


New member
ever since i had my mushroom i noticed these things on it.
they look like small, opaque pieces of tissue. i poked one the other day and it started moving in slug-like fashion. there is about 10-15 of them.
I dont know if you can tell from the pic...

(yes, i did just make an ID thread of this pic)
They are definitely not good. They just multiply like rabbits and can smother corals. They feed on rotifers and phyto.
there hitchhikers... use Saliferts flatworm eXit to get rid of them. Ive done it to both of my tanks with no flaws... goodluck
If you get a six line wrasse he not only is a nice addition to the tank but he will eat the flat worms. They are reef safe and pretty too.
I have successfully got rid of flatworms by siphoning with a rigid airline tube and airline hose. Create a suction and siphon the flatworms off the shrooms. Works every time.
In my nano tank I have the same problem... Salifert's Flatworm eXit will not work. I have tried to use that with no success. I am going to try a triple dose, because the normal/double dosages are not doing the job.

When i did the double dose it just seemed to **** them off, and the would move around in fast foward.

I am just tagging along with this thread to see if anyone ha a few other ideas outside of a Saliferts product.

I cannt use a fish because this is a fishless 10g nano so my options have to be limited. so a fish is out of the question..
i've had these on my green striped, i just did a 10-20 sec fresh water dip - they just fall off and die. have had to do it twice so far, but better than adding some treatment to my tank.