Source for Mazzei Venturi


New member
Anyone have a good CHEAP source for the Mazzei? I found one on Ultralifedirect, but I'd actually like a 1/2" model or some example of how to DIY.
I tried last night for HOURS to make one work... I finally got it! I've seen the Mazzei and it's not nearly as efficient as that, but I'm getting bubbles and I threw a stone in it as well... it's foaming, so I presume I'm making progress. Here's the basics:

Cut a 12" length of 1/8" stiff tube at a 22 1/2 degree angle... Drill a 1/8" hole in the 1/2" PVC and insert the tube so it's 3/4 down the diameter of the pipe. I placed the whole 2" before the pipe enters the skimmer. I'm using a Mag 5 to power it and running almost full throttle through the skimmer.
I have a MRC1 with a mazzei injector instead of the beckett and it rocks
here it is after 12 hours

after 24 hours

I know, i just like showing off my skimmer.. thanks again Lunchbucket :)