Southdown sand?


New member
I am just getting back into the hobby (obsession??) after a several years break. I am setting up a 125, and am looking for new/previously new Southdown sand. I know when I was getting out years ago, Southdown was hard to find, and I can imagine it is even worse now. Does anyone have a line on some, or possibly some just setting around they would like to part with? As my income status has changed dramatically, I am trying to get this started as fiscally responsibly as possible. Please let me know if this is a possibility, or if I'm going to have to bite the bullet and go with something else. I am located near Champaign/Urbana IL, but don't mind travelling.


Anymore it's not easy to find at all and most sands you'll find in big stores will be full of silica which will just lead to phosphates and algae problems!

I'm a big fan of Tropic Eden which Premium Aquatics sells and would highly recommend. It's got a pricey price tag though!