SPS doomed


New member
any1 know why the only sps i can house in my tank is a scroll coral my params are :

PH: 8.1-8.2
Nitrate: 40 (im guessing this is the problem, but why does the scroll coral survive?)
Nitrite: 0
KH: 250-300
salinity 1.023
have enough water movement return is a mag 7 with two PH 50's on either side of the tank (the tank is a 55)

light 250 MH with 55 watt Pc (actinic)
i tried a small piece of monti cap a while back and it died almost overnight and then yesterday i tried a small piece of digitata but same thing happned. Yet the scroll coral has all of its polyps extended and looks very healthy.
other corals in the tank include 3 types of acan, 3 types of mushrooms, candycane, xenia, star polyps, BTA, zoo's, im sure im missing one. also the tank is over a year old now. thanks for any advice
Salinity is a bit low. Nitrate isn't too good either. What are your calcium levels? Have you checked phosphates?

Finally, what type of acclimation are you performing?
ill check calcium and phosphate tom is i can find the test for P04 acclimation i usually drip but with the digi i had to cut it short because i had to go out that night that i got it....that might have something to do with it...
What's the KH? If you're talking about CaCO3 in ppm, then it seems very high, If I remember correctly, each 50ppmof CaCO3 equals approximately 1 meq. Most people recommend around the 3 meq level. KH of 250 - 300 would be aournd 5+ meq.