SPS Help


New member
I have a 29-gallon BioCube. It has been running for about 4 years, so I guess you can say I am not a newbie. But I just took the leap into keeping a particular SPS coral so I am a newbie in this regard.

I just purchased a beautiful Acropora echinata Hawkins Blue-Green Echinata on Wednesday. I got it acclimated to the tank, using various methods so there was no shock or anything like that. It was its normal blueish green all day and all night Wednesday and then all morning and afternoon today (Thursday). This evening, I went back to check and it looks as though all the blue "skin" (I don't know the scientific term) is falling off. Is this normal for it to get acclimated to my tank? Or is this already dying not even 24 hours of being with me??

My tank has:
Candy Cane Coral (one of them)
Ultra Acan Frag (one of them)
Green BTA (one)
Zoa colony (one)
2 black and white clowns
1 lawnmower blenny

When I went back, it appeared the clown was hanging awfully close to the Acropora, closer than it would hang to any other coral. Don't know if this has anything to do with it. No other coral is anywhere near the Acropora so nothing is competing for space or stinging the coral. See two pictures.

pH- 8.4
Salinity- 1.026
Magnesium- 1400ppm
Alkalinity- 9.7dKH
Calcium- 488ppm
Phosphate- 0.09ppm
Nitrite- 0.013ppm
Nitrate- somewhere between 0.5-0.75ppm
Ammonia- 0ppm

Please, any suggestions on what I can to keep this alive? And if it does happen to die, how can I tell it is dead?


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If its shedding down to the hard white calcium core that's nit a good sign. I recommend moving it to the bottom in a medium lit medium flow area to let it adapt to the new parameters. Could be shock going from tsnk parameters which were significantly diff than yours. Esp Kh.
Once the skin falls off that part is dead.

Your parameters all look normal, but what really matters is what were the parameters of the tank you got it from, including light types?

I would consider fragging a few branches as far away from the dead part as possible and see if you can save some of it if it looks like its getting worse. Or you can try to wait it out.
If I were to guess I'd say the alk in the tank it came from was a lot lower. Alk swings can cause STN/RTN, which is what's going on. You may get lucky, but usually once the tissue starts going it's just a matter of time until it's dead. Is it starting at the base or tips?
I would snip off the white parts & let it be. Your params seem ok so there really isn’t much u can do. I don’t think it’s a lighting issue being it has only been 24 hrs. Some corals we get are healthier than others when we get them. If they are healthy they can acclimate without any issues. If they are already stressed they don’t handle the swings in parameters well, specifically alk.
If it looks like the Narcosis is continuing, I would try to get a couple good frags from it. If it looks like the Narcosis has stopped I would just do nothing and watch and wait