sps I.d

Looks like an Ora Frogskin to me as well.
I didn't see any mention of ORA. Why do you think it's ORA? I have seen several different frogskins and they look similar. Is there something that makes it stand out from the others?
1st guess Acorpora suharsoni as mentioned above
2nd acropora turaki

Frogskin acro can be anything if seen a dozen
Different green sps pieces labeled as a Frogskin
Coloring witch does not show up good in pic is bright green and like a yellow branches are growing together because of where it is placed in tank looks to be a tableing acro. why I guessed frogskin it is the closest looking that I could find when researching on internet.Bought from Bernard it has grown a good amount in 1 1\2 months in tank.keep low in tank with medium flow
Coloring witch does not show up good in pic is bright green and like a yellow branches are growing together because of where it is placed in tank looks to be a tableing acro. why I guessed frogskin it is the closest looking that I could find when researching on internet.Bought from Bernard it has grown a good amount in 1 1\2 months in tank.keep low in tank with medium flow
I wasn't questioning your frogskin quess. I was questioning cytranic why he thought it was an ORA.