SPS Identification Please


New member
I just picked this up from the LFS for cheap. Can someone tell me what it is?

It is hard to see the color in this pic but it is a floresent green under regular light. It appears to glow.

One with flash
I think you are right I found this link [link]http://www.seatrademarine.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=PGC&Category_Code=HSC[/link]
It looks just like the one I have.

Does anyone know much about it. Growth rates, etc.
i think its a pavona maldevensis i think, you can tell by all the mouths on it, maldevensis are kinda rare so thats a good score.
I'd second a guess at Pavona maldivensis (sp?). Try Cactus or potato chip coral as a search title (seen it called both).