Sps' ID's

Old Yeller Tang

Premium Member
Hi Anthony!

After no luck getting an id at the sps' forum, I thought maybe you can help me out. I'd like to call these corals by name and not by color!lol:rolleyes: Well, here they are!





I truly hate to dissappoint you, my friend. But I agree with any/those that find it pointless to ID Acroporas to a species level from frags. Without exception, every authority I have ever asked or read the works of (not the least of which Dr. Veron) says that once an sps has morphed in captivity, a correct ID for many/most is nearly impossible.

It is what is it :D And please don't think it a bad thing either. While I myself am outspoken about using scientific nomenclature in preference to common names... in this case we must use a combination for many.

For many, the modifying descriptor of shape will be more useful for a morphed frag anyway... telling of necessary water flow (to create/continue table, bottlebrush, stag forms, etc). Color is pointless regarding husbandry on traded frags, as you well know.

No worries mate... you simply have some beautiful acroporas :)

Any ID beyond that is not realistic or fair.

Kind regards,


No problem and thanks anyhow! All these corals were wild colonies with the exception of the small blue frag. Btw, I've always wanted to name a coral after me! How's Roland's Purple Monster Imposter!lol;)

Lol...yeah, I like my name better than the Slimer! Or how bout my Acid Acro, since it's deep purple, man!:D


No problem! You'll be next in line. The biggest frag I can get out of it now would be less than an inch as you can see the scale of it with the small clown gobies. I'm giving a frag to Paul this Friday at SCMAS and maybe I'll have a decent size frag for you by Dave's frag party in July.


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