SPS in agressive tank?


New member
Is it possible to care SPS (like acropora) in agressive fish tank with grouper, sohal tang, moray ets. (without coral eaters) ?

About 2-3-4 fishes in 800l... :rolleyes:
Yes, it is possible.

You have to take care to keep your water quality high, but it can be done.

A large protein skimmer and a refugium will help.
As aquaman said, you can do it, so long as the fish aren't known coral eaters. The reason why most people don't do it is because of the need for excellent water quality for the SPS. That good a level of water quality is hard to get in a tank with large predators. I strongly suggest a very large, high-quality skimmer rated for a lot more than the actual size of your tank. Also a pretty big refugium. And you'll likely have to do weekly water changes of a more-than-minimal amount of water.

It's going to be fairly difficult, but it can be done.
i acctually have this kind of thing going right now. I only have a few peices of SPS but they seem to be growing well. I have a 13" panther grouper, 6" lion fish, and a 28" Snowflake moray. As for equitment it is listed below. Also the tank has several other tangs, clownfish, and a damsel. All of the fish and coral for that matter seem to be doing great. The tank is mostly LPS and softies but as I said have a few peices of SPS. Hope this helps, Tim
My Montipora are doing great in FOWLR with NO3 close 60ppm. They color up really nicely and growth is pretty good too. I also have some Acropora, but they're always brownish green or brownish purple, the growth is good again, but they will probably never color up like they would have in a reef tank.