SPS in NO lighting?


New member
Hi!i'm from the philippines,and the every sps in our lfs all have bleached tips,but only a very small part,my question is:can i add sps in my 20 gallon tank with 75 watts of compact flourescent lighting,and 24 watts of t5 HO?will that suffice?and can the bleached tips recover?and i have a big leather coral,will it be fine if i add sps,or they'll have a chemical warfare?sorry i have so much questions,because i really like sps. :D pls. reply!anybody post your opinion.
Your lighting is minimal at best. I would personally not keep any SPS corals under that lighting. You might however be able to "get away with" some montipora's.

As far as your big leather, unless you are running carbon consistantly I would not recommend putting SPS in such a small tank with a big softie of any sort.


I believe that it would survive. However with that minimal amount of light you will have to keep your water paramaters pristine and even then it might not color up.