SPS Probs

E30 E T A

New member
I bought my first SPS Thursday,A Staghorn, And it's polyps havent opened and it's bleaching, The flesh is peeling off,It's under 175w 10k MHs. Parameters are in excellent order. Calcium was at 380 yesterday and did a water change today and tested the 5g bucket Calcium with 420 results. It's in slight direct flow of a power head. Just wondering if it's just stress or what:confused:

Thanks guys!
As sidog mentioned, it sounds like it is getting blasted by powerhead. Move it to a spot that doesn't have any direct flow from a power head; indirect flow is the key.
Acros do not eat phyto plankton they eat zooplankton and larval stage coepods.... most of the time they will just absorb nutrients in the water column...... and of coarse photosynthesis. Move it away from the flow make sure when you do your water change it is the same salinity and temp...... all your params of the make up water should be close to tank water.... slow change is ok, fast change can kill acros!!!! Also look at your temp... what is your swing from day to night, which also brings me to PH what is your swing lit versus dark?? Stability is the key...... I fit continues to rtn fragging may be the only way to save a small part of the colony.
I would frag a piece or 2 now and if the skin is peeling off floating away the colony is rtn ing and survial is not likely a frag is the only chance of saving a piece imo