SPS requirments


New member
Basically, I'm not new to reef keeping, but I am new to keeping many corals other than softies and my LPS. What I was mainly wondering is if i would be able to keep some SPS coral in my 5.5g reef,
lighting - 36W PC lighting
filtration - Cascade 100/Coral-life skimmer (for 125g tanks... overkill, i know lol)

what else would i need to do to keep SPS in this tank? (what would i specifically have to dose, i'm already dosing calcium on the tank w/ my LPS coral)

I really like acros, but i'm pretty sure i won't be able to keep them, Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)
Alot of light,high calcium level(not to high),alot of flow,and prestine water quality. in my opinion you can try to do a 5.5 gal but its gunna be hard to keep the water in good condition.water change every 5days and top off like every 2.try keeping easier sps frags such as Porite and montipora try stayin away from staghorn acros and birdnest they are very difficult to maintain.a good tip is also try to stay away from very,very colorful species they are always more light demanding.start easy with patience comes beauty. good luck!
you can not keep sps in a 5.5 gallon reef. the parameters will extremely fluctuate and due to the amount of water volume its too unstable.
Montipora digitata, stay away from porites contrary to what was previously stated, stylophoras would be ok, brown acroporas could probably survive but I don't know about grow. In general, stay away from blues and purples, browns and greens will be your best bet. It will be hard to maintain water quality if your tank has too much bioload which wouldn't be hard with a tank that small.

Good luck.
I would suggest one of two corals to try:

Montipora digitata or Pocillapora sp.
Both tend to be a lot more tolerant of water quality + lower light than others.

IMO, I don't see a wide difference in hardiness of nicely vs. brown corals - just that keeping that nice color [in cases] can be difficult.

I would avoid Acropora until you've had good success for 6+ months with the other stonies [same as I'd give someone with a 200g tank, to be honest].

With regular water changes [IMO easiest way to balance nutrient levels, Ca/Alk] + very dedicated husbandry - there's no reason why you can't have success in this tank.
Won't be easy - IMO nanos with stonies are tough - but my wife kept a bubble + brain thriving for 4+ years in 10g ... I've seen some amazing sps nanos ... it won't be easy.

I would, without a doubt, get only captive propagated corals.

Just opinion :)